Why do NetworkManager and pidgin RPM packages need to be tied together?

This is a major inconvenience that requires hacky workarounds. Please untie Pidgin from NetworkManager as they have nothing to do one with the other.

$ sudo dnf remove NetworkManager.x86_64 NetworkManager-libnm.x86_64 NetworkManager-ppp.x86_64 NetworkManager-wwan.x86_64 
Package                      Arch     Version                      Repository           Size
 NetworkManager              x86_64   1:1.50.0-1.fc41              <unknown>         5.7 MiB
 NetworkManager-libnm        x86_64   1:1.50.0-1.fc41              <unknown>         9.9 MiB
 NetworkManager-ppp          x86_64   1:1.50.0-1.fc41              <unknown>        71.8 KiB
 NetworkManager-wwan         x86_64   1:1.50.0-1.fc41              <unknown>       145.2 KiB
Removing dependent packages:
 libnma                      x86_64   1.10.6-8.fc41                fedora            1.1 MiB
 libpurple                   x86_64   2.14.13-5.fc41               <unknown>        23.7 MiB
 libpurple-devel             x86_64   2.14.13-5.fc41               <unknown>       953.9 KiB
 network-manager-applet      x86_64   1.36.0-3.fc41                fedora          663.9 KiB
 nm-connection-editor        x86_64   1.36.0-3.fc41                fedora            4.8 MiB
 pidgin                      x86_64   2.14.13-5.fc41               <unknown>         3.0 MiB
 pidgin-otr                  x86_64   4.0.2-19.fc41                <unknown>       533.7 KiB
 tracker-miners              x86_64   3.7.3-3.fc41                 <unknown>         4.3 MiB

Transaction Summary:
 Removing:          12 packages

Is this ok [y/N]:

You are free to rebuild Pidgin and libpurple without NetworkManager support. It was the packager’s choice to enable that support in the build you’re using, not ours. The support is there for users who change wireless networks or change among multiple networks so that connections can be properly dropped and reestablished. We have no intention of removing the support, and we can’t control what distribution packagers do.

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We are users. We do not rebuild anything.

Complain to your distribution then.

We are users. We do not rebuild anything.

We are developers not distribution packagers.

The Fedora issue tracker for Pidgin packages is here Bug List