Things I personally find annoying with matrix client(s)

Just putting a list of frictions I find, mostly with element (non-X) which is my current daily used matrix client. With that in mind:

  • Support for Scalable fonts or inherit systemwide settings.
  • Inline media sent as separate messages (though this is a matrix platform feature apparently)
  • Unread tracking is inconsistent, especially with sub threads.
  • All chats (group/user/public-room) look the same and show on the same list. They all have the icon of the user or channel but there is no distinction. Having the option to have them separate in some way (discord puts them in separate spots in the interface for example)
  • Getting those “can’t decrypt message” occasionally, because the client sync of keys for encrypted chats/rooms. Perhaps using the shared secret store of the base operating system will help fix this, as long as your exist in a single ecosystem.
  • My matrix home server (running synapse) uses single sign on via Mastodon which limits use of other clients.

If more come up, or if other people have similar thoughts, will stop back.


Here are a few questions/notes:

  • Support for Scalable fonts or inherit systemwide settings.

You’re saying you can’t scale fonts and that they don’t inherit system wide settings?

  • Inline media sent as separate messages (though this is a matrix platform feature apparently)

Actually it looks like there’s an HTML format now that supports inline images. Obviously support would be on a client by client basis, but yeah. Client-Server API | Matrix Specification

  • Unread tracking is inconsistent, especially with sub threads.

I’ll have to keep an eye out for this.

  • My matrix home server (running synapse) uses single sign on via Mastodon which limits use of other clients.

This should be fine for pidgin3 once we get the new authentication api written and implement sso.

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I was going to leave a screen shot to show it, but then actually searched one last time to make sure I wasn’t missing a setting somewhere, and it’s been an open issue since 2017 for iOS: Adjustable font text size · Issue #496 · element-hq/element-ios · GitHub

The macOS version doesn’t have the issue, but I don’t use it much. And now I remember that Pidgin3 won’t be on iOS, so we can strike that line item. :+1:

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