*** Single window UI***
Not sure about that, I like seeing the status of my buddies while having the chat window open.
You will still see their status in their window and in the conversation list on the side of the window.
*** Decommissioning of the oauth-helper plugin**
I sometimes use Jdownloader2, and it delegates captchas to a browser extension. Maybe Pidgin can do something similar for oauth cookies instead of embedding a browser view? Just a thought.
This was specifically about the oauth-helper plugin i was developing for pidgin 2.
*** Removing XEPs from XMPP**
What about adding missing XEPs? Currently, some are implemented in plugins, and some others are unsupported according to various web sites. I went to xmpp.org to check what XEPs Pifgin does support, and it turns out that it isn’t even mentioned. Ouch! You may want to contact them about it.
We’re currently in the process of completely rewriting the xmpp plugin which will be formerly announced in the next state of the bird.
*** Removing account registration**
I seem to have encountered at least one public server that only supported registration via the client, though I guess using another client to register is a workaround.
Yep it’s a problem for now. But it simplified everything internally. The intent is to add it back at some point, but there was no reason to let it hold us back when only XMPP supports it and the developers that are running pidgin3 right now can just register an account in pidgin2.
*** User names vs user IDs**
The Discord plugin uses user names, and creates a new entity every time a contact changes their handle. Ugh!
Hitting the server may still be needed since a contact may change their handle mid-conversation.
No… That’s the entire point of PurpleContactInfo. It holds the user id and lets you update everything else. The idea is, new contact, grab all info then watch for server update messages. If the contact isn’t new, the update behavior should be defined by the protocol.
*** Colours for PurpleContactInfo**
Wouldn’t it be more flexible to allow tagging contacts with different properties, and let the UI decide whether to map them to colours, badges, etc.?
You mean like PurpleContactInfo:tags? This is going to take a very long time if I have to point out every api to you 
*** Contact list**
I would really like to be able to display contacts as a multilevel tree (with searching and filtering). This applies to rooms/channels which some servers have myriads of (sorted into groups), and to some protocols that allow you to “bookmark” people for opportunistic chat.
Having everything in a single flat list would be unusable for me, and even a 2-level tree in Pidgin2 is too restrictive.
We are not doing a tree right now. Maybe there will be reason to do it later, but with custom searching and filtering I can’t imagine why we’d need it. With the combination of tags on contact info’s you’ll be able to tag contacts with something like “close-friend” or something and then be able to filter on that. That said we should allow users to save searchers/filters too but that hasn’t been completed yet either.
*** Saving passwords**
Storing passwords in Pidgin encrypted with a master password should be an option if I want to have all my data on a USB stick and run it as a portable Pidgin from any computer without saving my passwords into that computer’s password store.
We are not cryptographers, we will get it wrong. Even lastpass whose job it has been to secure passwords has messed it up. Every platform has an existing password store and they’re pluggable to ass stuff like 1password or lastpass, there is absolutely no reason we should be doing this work that we will inevitably get wrong.
For your scenario, you can write a PurpleCredentialProvider in a plugin and be done.