Pidgin prompts for certs over and over

Note: I tried to file an Issue, but YouTrack says I don’t have permission. :frowning:

Pidgin is constantly prompting me to accept certs for the same names over and over again (b-api(dot)facebook(dot)com, graph(dot)facebook(dot)com, mqtt(dot)facebook(dot)com, scontent(dot)facebook(dot)com).

While I’m only connecting to those because of the FB plugin, this seems to be a problem with the core Pidgin/libpurple code, which is why I’m posting here.

I got a debug log with the relevant parts posted on a Gist since Discourse says it’s “too many links” otherwise, but everytime it happens the log looks like this:

It’s unclear to me why, after I accept these certs, I get prompted again… my only guess is that different parts of FB’s infra have different (valid) certs.

I’ve looked at these certs and they are indeed valid, issued by digicert, though if I put the Issuer line here, Discourse won’t let me post so I’ll put the whole cert in the gist above.


After authing to YouTrack via GH instead of username/password, I was able to create Issues: