Hgkeeper migration

Greetings everyone!

In the next few weeks I’m going to be migrating keep.imfreedom.org from the kubernetes cluster to a stand alone node. This will go mostly unnoticed to everyone, but to the developers with write access (using ssh), you may need to update your remotes.

hgkeeper itself doesn’t care about the SSH username, so you can update this immediately without any issue. If you cloned with ssh://keep.imfreedom.org as the start of the URL, you’ll have to update your remote to include the hg username.

Unfortunately, hg doesn’t have a command to edit this as they consider files that are modified by the user to not be machine readable, so you have to do it manually. To do this, you just need to edit the file .hg/hgrc in your clones. In that file you’ll see a section like the following:

default = ssh://keep.imfreedom.org/pidgin/pidgin

All you need to do is add the hg user and save the file.

default = ssh://hg@keep.imfreedom.org/pidgin/pidgin

You’ll of course have to do this with every clone, which sucks, but this is a one time deal.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply here.

I think you should also be able to set the user in ~/.ssh/config globally:

Host keep.imfreedom.org
	User hg
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Oh good point! That’s great for the migration, but going forward using the right username keeps all the information in a single place :slight_smile:

Just wanted to update everyone that I’m planning on doing this migration this weekend! I’m not sure on exact timeline or anything but expect random outages through the weekend.

This migration has been complete. There have been some causalities, like the theme doesn’t work at the moment, but everything else is functional.

If you run into anything, please let me know here.